Festival Programme

DOWNLOAD THE PDF PROGRAMME (NOTE: On September 28, 10am-12.30pm Rewild Communities event should be Robsack Wood not Church in the Wood. See Event page.)

Latest Past Events

Green Fingers Community Garden Project

Y Centre St Pauls Road, St Leonards on Sea

Free community garden project on the grounds of the Y Centre. The community garden sessions take place on a Sunday each week 1pm–3pm and Wednesday 11am–3pm. The project is run by The Art Shack, a creative and well-being space. It brings people together to make and create a space from nothing out of nothing. Grow veg and flowers in a calm friendly environment. Just pop along no booking required!


Green Fingers Community Garden Project

Y Centre St Pauls Road, St Leonards on Sea

This free Green Fingers community garden project is on the grounds of the Y Centre and is run by The Art Shack, a creative and well-being space. The community garden runs on a Sunday each week 1pm–3pm and Wednesday 11am–3pm. It brings people together to make and create a space from nothing out of nothing. Grow veg and flowers in a calm friendly environment. Just pop along no booking required!


Hastings A Band Of Brothers Potential Mentors Intro Evening

Salvation Army Hall Salvation Army hall, St Andrews Square, Hastings

An open evening for any man in the Hastings area interested in the work we do in A Band Of Brothers. Come and find out more about our mentoring programs and rite of passage weekends for young men in crisis. Whether interested in becoming a mentor, making referrals or supporting through funding - come and find out how you can get involved.