Festival Programme

DOWNLOAD THE PDF PROGRAMME (NOTE: On September 28, 10am-12.30pm Rewild Communities event should be Robsack Wood not Church in the Wood. See Event page.)

Latest Past Events

Green Fingers Community Garden Project

Y Centre St Pauls Road, St Leonards on Sea

Free community garden project on the grounds of the Y Centre. The community garden sessions take place on a Sunday each week 1pm–3pm and Wednesday 11am–3pm. The project is run by The Art Shack, a creative and well-being space. It brings people together to make and create a space from nothing out of nothing. Grow veg and flowers in a calm friendly environment. Just pop along no booking required!


Warrior Square Station Community Garden open day

St Leonards Warrior Square Station Saint Leonards-on-sea

A special session at Transition Town Hastings' community garden with a guided tour. Come along and say hi to the team tea and cake will be served! Open to all to join with a friendly, relaxed, group of volunteers.   I walk past your garden on my way to work in Kings Road, and I have to say it truly brightens my day! Thank you all for your efforts, and I shall, if it is agreed with your chalk boards, help myself now and again....Continue Reading "Warrior Square Station Community Garden open day"


Green Fingers Community Garden Project

Y Centre St Pauls Road, St Leonards on Sea

This free Green Fingers community garden project is on the grounds of the Y Centre and is run by The Art Shack, a creative and well-being space. The community garden runs on a Sunday each week 1pm–3pm and Wednesday 11am–3pm. It brings people together to make and create a space from nothing out of nothing. Grow veg and flowers in a calm friendly environment. Just pop along no booking required!