1. Can I see information about SOS 2018?
Click here to see photos from 2018
2. What kind of event/activities can we run?
It can be a one-off event or, even better, you can use the 9 days as an opportunity to launch a new activity. Choose something that fits with your group’s objectives and is also related to environmental sustainability. Register your event today.
You can also register your interest in taking part in our Big Green Fair on Sun 29th September.
3. What geographical area does the festival cover?
The festival covers Hastings, St Leonards and parts of Rother.
4. How do I know what other events are happening?
As groups or individuals confirm events/activities we will begin to list these on the website. If you have any questions about events please email us.
5. Are there any events open to the general public?
Yes, most events are open to the general public, and some events are open to members only e.g. schools events, some businesses, some faith groups etc.
6. Should my event be open to the public?
It’s totally up to you! The aim is for your event to be of interest to your own members first! If you want to open it to the public, that’s fine as well. However, the power of the week is that groups across the district involve their members to think about sustainable living so many different individuals and groups are involved.
7. What does it mean to ‘support’ the event – do we have to pay anything?
Taking part is free. You do not have to pay anything, although we welcome donations. If you tell us you want to ‘support’ the event, then we would like to include your logo/name on our website – to help encourage others to join in as well. We expect that ‘supporters’ will be thinking about what activity or event that they will put on in the next few months. You are not committing to anything until you ‘register’ the event from June 7th to August 5th 2019 when we will include your agreed event/activity in our printed programme of events – if you want. Private events will remain private and if you ask, we will not include them in the brochure.
8. Who is responsible for health and safety and insurance for the event or activity I run?
Answer: You/your organisation is wholly responsible for the health and safety of your event. We suggest that you do a risk assessment of the activity you want to run: brainstorm everything you think that might go wrong – make sure you remove serious risks, and put actions in place to reduce the risks of anything else going wrong.
Download a risk assessment template: Risk Assessment Template – Smaller group. You should also consider putting public liability insurance in place if you plan to run an event which involves the public, or other insurance that you may need. If you want to read more see this government website ‘A Can Do Guide’. SOS will not be responsible for any activities run by groups or organisations.
9. Can I advertise my event?
Answer: When you register your event, we will add it for free to the printed programme. If you want a bigger advert, you can pay for this. Please contact us for prices.
10. Who runs SOS 2019?
SOS is run by Transition Town Hastings in partnership with Hastings Furniture Service, Energise Sussex Coast and the United Nations Ambassador for Hastings and Bexhill.