Free, female only bike ride for the sustainability on sea festival. The numbers are limited due to insurance. The ride is led by a qualified british cycling ride leader and will go from Hastings pier to the end of Bexhill seafront and back predominantly on cycle paths. A social cycle along the seafront to Bexhill and back on a predominantly flat route with a couple of humps and lumps thrown in (Galley Hill) 95% traffic free, only section of road is Cinque Ports Way and…Continue Reading “Social cycle ride, female only”
Imagine the seafront road with no traffic! Car Free Day is a global event which invites towns and cities to experience the streets of their towns free of cars. Hastings’s first-ever Car Free Day celebration will take place on a stretch of the seafront road from Warrior Square Gardens to the White Rock Theatre (Eversfield Place to Verulam Place). It will be an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate this recognised day, as well as sustainable forms of transport. A range of…Continue Reading “Hastings Car Free Day Street Party”
Bringing the festival to a close is the Big Green Fair; a day-long event that will take over the Shipwreck Museum, Stade Hall and in a marquee on the Stade Open Space. Inspiration, marketplace, workshops, speakers and activities for all ages. All areas are undercover! On the day you will be able to browse the stalls of the sustainable marketplace. Expect a variety of stallholders selling eco wares, food products and promoting eco services. Meet activists and campaigners with activities all framed around the them…Continue Reading “Big Green Fair at the Stade, Hastings”